
August 23: FakeOut New York

This Thursday, we'll be back at TimeOut New York Lounge Please come and guess which one of these quick wits is pulling a fast one. (My therapist suggests this compulsion to play lie-related word games may be a cry for help.) The Liar Show: "Seek truth. Get a t-shirt." (I should probably cool it with the tag lines, too.)

Thursday, August 23 @ 10:00pm
340 West 50th Street (bet 8th & 9th Aves) $5

Ophira Eisenberg has appeared on Comedy Central's Premium Blend and as part of their Fresh Faces of Comedy series. She appeared in her own half hour special on CTV’s Comedy Now! and is a contributing writer to US Weekly’s Fashion Police. She co-produces Sweet Paprika every Friday night at D-Lounge, beneath the Daryl Roth Theatre in NYC. www.OphiraEisenberg.com

Joanna Parson is an actor and comedian whose one-person shows regularly sell out NYC comedy and cabaret clubs. She appeared in Transport Group’s The Audience, which received three Drama Desk nominations. “Joanna Parson knocks us out.” —NYTheatre.com www.JoannaParson.com

Josh Lefkowitz's full-length solo show, HELP WANTED: A Personal Search for Meaningful Employment at the Start of the 21st Century, has been performed in Washington DC, Baltimore, Ann Arbor, Chicago, and New York. Josh has recorded his stories for NPR's All Things Considered.

Tracy Rowland: “It seemed like the monkey and I were really hitting it off, until....” And that’s how Tracy got into storytelling.