
May 24: Forgive Me For Being So Selfish

Finally, summer is right around the corner. It's a time for walks in the park, biking along the river and quiet weekends in the country. Umm... You know what? Why don't you just pray for rain, stay in the city where you belong and join us at beautiful Cornelia Street Cafe? Forgive me for being so selfish! Happy Spring!

Saturday, May 24 @ 6:00 pm
29 Cornelia Street (bet W 4th and Bleeker)
$12 - includes one drink.
Reservations recommended: 212-989-9319

Peter Aguero has appeared on MTV, TBS, Comedy Central, and "Late Night with Conan O'Brien." He's a member of the Chicago City Limits National Touring Company. His storytelling CD, graphicvulgarlunacy vol. II: Jacoby Appliance Parts is available on iTunes.

Cyndi Freeman
produces “Hotsy Totsy Burlesque” in and “Story Telling at Coraline Cafe.” She has performed her one-woman shows at the Edinburgh Fringe and New York International Fringe Festivals. Ms Freeman is a recipient of a grand prize play writing fellowship award from the Massachusetts Cultural Council (with collaborator Ellen Groves). Other credits include HBO, Comedy Central and Showtime. www.myspace.com/cyndifreeman

Tracy Rowland is a TV editor and writer. She has appeared onstage at many New York storytelling series, including The Moth and SpeakEasy.

Terence Mickey is a writer and frequent storyteller at the Moth. He was born in New Jersey and raised by Irish-Catholic wolves. He is working on "King Garbage," a novel based on his family's carting company in the West Village. He teaches fiction in Johns Hopkins University's CTY program.

Andy Christie is creator and host of The Liar Show. His writing has appeared in The NY Times, in snooty literary journals and online. His book, "I Wasn’t Kidding" was published by Random House here and in the UK.